Welcome to Trimboli Chiropractic!
We are excited to meet you and ready to make you feel right at home. The paperwork you complete will help our doctor understand your specific situation and determine the best treatment and adjustments necessary. Click the link below to download our New Patient Forms. Print, complete, and bring with you to your first visit.
Regarding insurance coverage: Through trial and error we have discovered that many insurance companies don't recognize the cutting-edge technologies that we utilize. This is in spite of the fact that they are FDA approved. You may discover that your insurance policy is not honored at our office. Consider consulting with us, at least for your first visit, regardless of that fact. We will make every attempt to stay within your budget, help you to reach your goals, and to do it quickly.
If you have benefits through the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois network or Medicare Part B, we can assist you with insurance billing.
You've been down the path of usual and customary insurance-covered care plans. Now is the time to try cutting-edge, safe, and effective technologies. We can help you. Call us today to schedule a free video consult.
In most cases we will take x-rays to evaluate your spine. If you have other films: MRI, CT scan, or x-rays, please bring them with you on your first visit. On that day, a treatment plan will be outlined for you. Dr. Nancy is proficient in 9 different Chiropractic techniques and can assist you with necessary adjustments, at home care, and nutritional counseling. Our certified massage therapists work under the direction of Dr. Nancy and are available for spot massage and 60-minute therapeutic massage.
Please fill out the New Patient Paperwork BEFORE your appointment and email it to info.trimbolichiro@gmail.com

Are you confused about the right action to take at home that will help? Should you use ice, heat, or both? Which stretches will give you the most relief and not set you back? Should you push through the pain or stop when it hurts?
Dr. Nancy Trimboli created her YouTube channel with these questions in mind. Join our over 2000 subscribers.