28 Years of Experience
25,000 Patients
What are you waiting for?
Call to schedule your appointment today!
At Trimboli Chiropractic, we help the unhelpable.
Dr. Nancy uses a unique blend of soft touch, "no popping" Chiropractic for both extremities and spinal adjustments. Cutting edge cold laser therapy and BioResonance speed healing time and reduce pain quickly-without drugs or other interventions. Her exceptional massage therapists aid patient care with their own specialized techniques.
"Everything we do is problem focused. My job is to figure you out no matter what."
Although there is no cure for patients who have had previous surgeries, Dr. Trimboli has helped many patients with previous spinal surgeries and has helped thousands avoid surgery.
"Just because you think you have a certain diagnosis doesn't mean it's automatic surgery. With the specific way I make spinal correction, I can manage disc herniations, spinal stenosis, spondylosis and many other diagnosed disorders. Granted, there are those times when I can tell from MRI films or x-rays that I am unable to help someone. I let them know immediately and refer them to consult with a medical doctor I trust"
Now is the time to try cutting-edge, safe, and effective technologies. We can help you. Call us today to schedule a FREE video consult!

Don't just take our word for it! Read some of our patient testimonials
C.E. – age 53, retired firefighter
“There were no broken promises and no BS. It was, here's what I can do for you, you're never going to be a hundred percent, but I can get you to 85 to 90% if you stick to my regime. It was the first time in years since my injury that I had hope. That's what I was most impressed with, was just the honesty that the staff and you guys have been pretty much lifesavers.”
D.G. – age 74, retired
“It's a quick process. I enjoy Dr. Nancy, she seems to know what I complain about, yet, examines to find out what the problem is, and then she adjusts you. Each time might be different, because I’m always different.”
K.S. – age 57, broker
“The office is a friendly, open and relaxed environment. I've been to other chiropractors where you feel like you're herded in there like cattle and where the beds are all right next to each other and there's really no privacy. I really like the way that Trimboli Chiropractic is laid out, there's some privacy there. I love the fact that there's always two people with the adjustment, that there's always somebody on the screen taking notes with what Dr. Nancy is doing. That is brilliant.”
R.F. – age 27, stay at home mom
“I went through a phase where I had a lot of chest pains and I went to the ER a lot and they would just give me painkillers. They never referred me to see a chiropractor. They'll push the medication before they tell you to do natural things”
S.L. – age 63
“I really enjoy the online videos. I think those are really wonderful and just so generous of her to put that out into the public!”
"I know when I send someone to you guys (Trimboli Chiropractic), you'll either help them or tell them you can't. There's no in between."
D.R. - age 58, retired
"Got my back pain under control. Does it bother me occasionally? Yes. But it doesn't stop me anymore either."
K.P. - age 44
My butt doesn't hurt anymore! I got out of my car and thought 'something is missing here...' my tailbone is better!"
J.H. - age 43
"It feels good to be back on track with my adjustments, massage adds to that of course"
P.D. - age 76, retired
"Without Dr. Trimboli, I wouldn't be walking today. I believe that."
M.E. - age 17, student
"I feel so much better. Dr. Nancy has helped me with other health issues not just my neck/back. It's my favorite place to come!"
D.K. - age 65, retired
"Dr. Nancy is very thorough, a good listener and refers you to other disciplines that can help. She also carries supplements and offers other healing technology like the Wellness Pro and PhotonX."
S.G. - age 38
"When I felt like I would never recover, I had hope."
L.J. - age 55
"After 1 visit with an adjustment and spot massage, the pain level in my thigh went from a 10 to a 2 and I'm able to move my leg!"
H.M. - 38 years old, day care worker
"Anyone who says they can't be fixed - they need to go see Dr. Nancy!"
2 PM - 6 PM
2 PM - 6 PM
9 AM - 12 PM
2 PM - 6 PM
9 AM - 12 PM
*We have additional hours available for alternative therapies. Please call our office for more information*